Lots to love. Less to spend.

The vision behind Sankara has always been: Living rich by spending smart. Our phenomenal mirror-image replica makes that idea into reality – giving you the exact same thing as the original. Indistinguishable, impeccable, identical.  It’s the total package – but a lot cheaper.

Try to spot the difference. We’ll wait.

All Sankara replica boasts the same superior quality materials as the originals, from top grade-leather to authentic metals, you name it. Quite simply, they’re just as durable and beautiful like the real deal.

Psst. Let us tell you a secret.

Just like the real ones, the best mirror-grade replica bags must also be handmade. Every inch of detail is precisely assembled and meticulously stitched to perfection. So every part of your bag looks amazing.

You deserve the best – even from a replica store

We put each replica into an 8-step rigorous quality control inspection – and making sure every detail is where it should be. So each shipment will be flawless. It’s just a whole lot harder for you to get bad product.

Love your bags or let us know. We’ll always make it right.

We care for you more than the name brand. We’ll be here for you before, during and after the sale. Reach us for live support via WhatsApp and we’ll find a solution for everything. Click here to see our refund policy.

Nobody will ever know you’ve been here

Every purchase at Sankara is strictly confidential. Your personal information will always be protected and never be disclosed in any way. You have our word.