
Are your products authentic? What is a replica designer handbag?

Our products are not authentic, they are the best mirror-image replicas available in the world. We’ve established our products as the finest 1:1 perfect grade replicas in the market, absolutely identical from the originals.

Do you use real leather for your replicas? 

Our products are guaranteed made of 100% genuine leather. We source the same superior quality materials as the originals, from top grade-leather to authentic metals. Rest assured, they are also just as durable as the real deal.

Do you provide the brand box?

Yes, you will receive the replica product well-packaged inside the brand box. 

Do your replica products come with serial number?

Yes, all our replica product have serial number stamped in the same manner and in the same position as the authentic ones. 

How good is your replica?

We sourced the same superior quality materials and manufactured the replicas with the same handmade technique as the originals. 

Boasting the highest-grade of production quality, they all feel, look, weight and smell the same to the authentic ones. 

Can I order products that are not listed on your website?

If you cannot find the item that you’re looking for on our website, kindly contact us via Whatsapp and we’ll be happy to help you with it.

Please provide the specific model name and number of the product you’re looking for.




We offer free shipping on all orders nationwide (overseas orders will be charged) 

All SANKARA deliveries are shipped from our warehouse in Jakarta, and include shipping and insurance until your products have been delivered to the address you nominated.


Orders are processed 9AM - 3PM Monday to Friday.

Orders placed during the weekend will not begin processing until Monday. 

Do you provide quality control pictures before shipping?

Yes we do. We refuse to send out anything less than perfect. 

After we put each replica into an 8-step rigorous quality control inspection, we will send you QC (Quality Control) images of the product. 

When will I receive my order?

Orders generally reach destination within 10-15 business days for orders within Indonesia and 20-25 business days for orders outside Indonesia. We appreciate your patience.

Shipping estimates are based on dates provided by shipping couriers and shipping times may vary depending on shipping location.

Delays experienced by shipping couriers, credit card verification processes, and other external third parties are outside of our control.

Can I track the status of my order?

Yes. Once you place an order, you will automatically receive a confirmation email that provides a tracking number. 

Track your order by clicking here. 

Payment and Billing

We offer a variety of payment options including wire transfer and credit card (Visa & Mastercard)

All SANKARA transactions via credit card are processed using 256-bit SSL Encryption through a PCI-DSS compliant payment gateway.

For your protection we do not store your credit card details.

Payment for your order will be taken when you place it. We will refund your payment where your order is not accepted or cancelled in accordance with these conditions. Click here to learn more.

To place an order you must:

  • Be 17 years of age or over (by placing an order you promise that this is the case);
  • Use and have been issued a valid credit/debit card that is acceptable to us;
  • Authorise us to process charges on your credit/debit card in the amount of the total purchase price for the goods order; and
  • Otherwise, meet our eligibility criteria and ordering procedures.

When you place an order, you offer to purchase the goods set out in the order (goods) for the price and delivery time. After placing an order, you will automatically receive an email receipt confirming the details of your purchase. This email receipt does not comprise a contract.




Availability Issue

We will always endeavour to fulfil your order once completed and paid for. 

If a product should become unavailable after your order has been confirmed and paid for, we will contact you and offer an alternative or a full refund. 

In the case of refund, we will refund the price you paid for the product within 30 days following the date of payment. 

Faulty Returns

You can request a faulty return if your products are received faulty or where a manufacturing fault occurs.

Goods are considered faulty only where they are defective at the time that they are delivered to you or a manufacturing fault occurs. Damage occurring due to wear and tear is not considered to be a manufacturing fault. 

If the item is faulty, please email with complete details of the fault and any accompanying photographs of the fault in question with your order number. 

If your order has been confirmed as faulty by our returns department, we will replace your order with the same product and size or, if we don’t have the stock, we will provide you with your choice a full refund or a store credit for the amount paid to us for the item(s)

A faulty request must be submitted within 3 days of your receipt of the goods.

Return Request 

Before shipping an item back to us, you must request a return authorisation number (RA#) from our returns department within 3 days of receiving your goods. 

To do this, please email make sure you include your order number in your email so that we can process your return quickly for you.

Once you’ve completed a return request or sent us an email, our returns department will contact you with details of your RA number and instructions on how to return your items.

Returns are usually processed within 5 business days of your order arriving back to us and you’ll receive an email detailing your return once this has been done.

We will only accept returns where the sneakers are “AS NEW” and unmarked, where the box is “AS NEW” and unmarked and where you’ve returned all relevant boxes, booklets, envelopes, dust bags, tags, and accessories that were included in your order. 

Return Shipping

We will provide you with a free return label for exchanges or faulty items within Indonesia.

Please note, you will need to cover the cost of international return shipping unless it is otherwise specified by our returns department. 

We recommend using a tracked method of postage to ensure it reaches us safely as you are responsible for your return until it is delivered to our warehouse. 




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